A Guide to the 7 Chakras

A Short Guide to the 7 Chakras

1. Root Chakra (also known as Base Chakra)

Color Association: Red
Location: Base of the spine
Associations: Survival, standing up for yourself, financial independence, security
Imbalances: Fatigue, low back pain, depression, cold hands and feet
Healing: Exercise and restful sleep, red food and drink, red gemstones and clothing, red essential oils (ylang ylang or sandalwood)

2. Sacral Chakra (also known as Spleen Chakra)

Color Association: Orange
Location: Lower abdomen below navel
Associations: Feelings, ability to be social, pleasure, sexuality, well-being
Imbalances: Alcohol and drug abuse, depression, allergies, yeast infections, urinary problems, sexual problems
Healing: Massage, orange food and drink, orange gemstones & clothing, red essential oils

3. Solar Plexus Chakra

Color Association: Yellow
Location: Upper abdomen, stomach area
Associations: Personal power, self-confidence, self-control, humor, intellect
Imbalances: Digestive problems, diabetes, constipation, memory loss
Healing: Learning, doing puzzles, detoxing, yellow food and drink, yellow gemstones and clothing, yellow essential oils (lemon)

4. Heart Chakra

Color Association: Green
Location: Center of the chest, above the heart
Associations: Ability to love, joy, inner peace
Imbalances: Heart and breathing issues, breast cancer, high blood pressure, muscle tension
Healing: Family time, spending time with nature, green food and drink, green gemstones & clothing, green essential oils (pine or eucalyptus)

5. Throat Chakra

Color Association: Blue
Location: Throat
Associations: Communication, relationships, trust, loyalty
Imbalances: Thyroid problems, hormonal issues, fever, menopause, mood swings
Healing: Singing, conversations, collecting, blue food and drink, blue gemstones and clothing, blue essential oils (chamomile)

6. Third Eye Chakra (also known as Brow Chakra)

Color Association: Indigo
Location: Forehead, between the eyes
Associations: Intuition, imagination, ability to make decisions, psychic abilities
Imbalances: Learning disabilities, sleeping disorders, imbalance
Healing: Watch the stars, meditation, indigo food and drink, indigo gemstones and clothing, indigo essential oils (patchouli)

7. Crown Chakra

Color Association: Violet
Location: Top of the head
Associations: Ability to connect spiritually, knowingness, spirituality, connection to God
Imbalances: Headaches, mental illness, senility, lack of coordination, rashes
Healing: Focus on dreams, writing down inventions, violet food and drink, violet gemstones and clothing, violet essential oils (lavender)

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