How to Find the Right Earrings For You

Is it the statement, every day, cuffs or party glam you are looking for? Here you will get inspiration on how to take your earrings to a new level, by being inspired by the most attractive design on the market.

Also, get to know your skin tone, so you know better which jewelry suits your skin tone. Maybe it turns out that you dress in both? Lucky for you, in that case!

Here you can find trendy earrings that fit everyday life, the party, and everything in between! With a beautiful design, balance between gemstones and metals, you can become the queen of jewelry. In this post, we share our best tips on how to find the right earrings for you.

Silver and gold

The fashion world is obsessed with jewelry right now and silver and gold don’t seem to tire anyone out.

How do you know what you dress best in, silver or gold? Maybe rosé gold, even? Many experts believe that one can go after the tone of one’s skin and hair.

If you have warm undertones you generally dress better in gold, while silver suits those who have cooler tones on the face and hair. It’s not always easy to decide, but you often get a feeling when you stand in front of the mirror which suits you best. And if you can’t decide, then it might be so simple that you dress well in both! Should you buy a piece of jewelry for someone you love, you can, therefore, look at the skin tone and the hair tone, or maybe look a little extra at what type of jewelry it wears most often?

In other words, it is not difficult to find a perfect pair of earrings because jewelry has rarely been hotter.

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